Vegan is a strict"vegetarianism"that does not eat any animal`s meat for the purpose of protecting the environment & animals. Therefore, vegan food is cooked without using meat, fish, eggs & dairy products, so it has no taste.It is not delicious, & it is not possible to continue it every day, even if it is for the protection of the environment, animals, beauty, health & diet.
Its delicious & you can keep it everyday. We are researching, developing & manufacturing vegan food that is delicious even if it is only plant-based.

its very difficult to make the taste base without using animal products. the vegan team has achieved a strict base control so that the spice flavour does not fade even during sterilization, while maintaining the taste that is the foundation.

its very difficult to make a taste base without using animal products. at AFC (asian food team), we have successfully developed a pho soup that is based on vegetable broth & adjusted to the style of chicken broth.

we made it so that you can feel the flavor even with just plant-based meat and vegetables. It masks the characteristic odor of soybeans, allowing you to fully enjoy the sourness and flavor of tomatoes.